Tuesday 10 May 2016

Report Writing Homework Task


Writing Paper Part 2: Report Writing

We have looked at report writing in a previous lesson, so hopefully the general ideas about how a report should be written are familiar to you. However, there are a number of pointers below the following question, which should hopefully help you to write a high quality response to the question.

If you can hand this to me on Thursday that would be great, but I appreciate that that only gives you two days. So if you can't get it to me by Thursday, you can bring it to the English office any time after that. Good luck!

You work in a department with a large number of colleagues, all of whom are learning English. You recently discussed the idea of setting up an after-work Film Club with the aim of improving or maintaining your skills in English. You volunteered to write a report for your colleagues and you should make suggestions about the following points:
Film Club
  • why we should set up the club
  • how best to organise it
  • costs
  • any other considerations
Write the report for colleagues. (around 280 - 320 words)
What you need to do to pass
Read our checklist first to understand what the examiner is looking for in a good answer.
Ideas for writing
Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:
  • First, make a list of points that could be included as a rationale for setting up the club:
    - fun and sociable way to learn English
    - a useful addition to any language courses that your colleagues attend
  • Next, you need to consider how it could be organised. Think about the following points if you are stuck for ideas:
    - how often would the members meet up?
    - what time/day of the week would suit everybody?
    - where would the club meet?
    - who would pick the films?
  • A report also has to consider the costs of any recommendations! What are the costs likely to be and how could the money be raised?
    Cost - hiring the videos
    Solution - everyone pays a small amount toward it.
  • Finally, a report is normally a fairly formal document but as this is for circulation amongst your colleagues you can be a little more informal.
    "I propose/suggest that we ....."

    is preferable to
    "It is proposed that ....."
Drafting and proofreading your work
You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:
  • Have you answered the question?
  • Is the layout and organisation appropriate?
  • Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
  • Is the style appropriate and consistent?
  • Will it be useful and helpful in setting up the Film Club?

1 comment:

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